Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Abramoff agrees to plea deal. Republicans are in full panic mode.

Man these guys were total crooks! Abramoff had ties to some of the most powerful figures in Washington. Though this is mostly a Republican scandal, there are some Democrats who are going to be in trouble as well. This, plus the Fitzgerald investigation, is guaranteed to change the political landscape in 2006 and 2008.

(Update! I may have spoken too soon. It now looks as if there are no Democrats accused of taking bribes. At least so far anyhow. So this could be solely a Republican scandal after all!)


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Given the scope of what Abramoff and Scanlon could reveal, this could give whole new meaning to the term, "Throw the bastards out". But somehow...I doubt it's going to go down as the bloodletting that the pundits are predicting.

    We'll see.

  2. Another banner day when achillea and I agree on something.


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