Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Abramoff raised $100,000 for Bush/Cheney campaign. They give back $6,000 in one of the emptiest gestures of all time.

I understand that Jack and George go way back. All the way back to when George was screwing up Texas. It is going to cost a lot more then $6,000 to buy his way out of this one.

Okay is anybody keeping count? How many scandals is this for the Bush administration?

  1. Lying us into war
  2. Outing Valerie Plame
  3. Getting soldiers to write positive news stories for Iraq papers.
  4. Wiretapping Americans without court approval.
  5. Torturing detainees.
  6. Letting New Orleans drown.

That is all I can remember right now. Feel free to volunteer any additional scandals that may have slipped my poor Alzheimers ravaged brain.

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