Thursday, January 05, 2006

Jon Stewart to host Oscars.

This is a great choice. There are so few really watchable personalities that can hold your attention for three hours but Jon can do it.

I just love him!

Did you see his triumphant return last night? His plea for the cable news stations to leave the poor people from the Sago mine disaster alone was so on the money. When I woke up this morning and watched the media vultures surrounding the victims families it just made my skin crawl.

It is nice to have Jon's honest appraisals of the MSM back.

1 comment:

  1. Jon is wonderful...we need more of him...
    maybe we should clone him....

    now I have to admit that I am reading your blog....because he isn't on on friday that is a compliment to you...( cause I do come here partly for the humor...)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.