Sunday, January 01, 2006

George Lucas is our new high priest as scientists discover that the "Force" is real.

There are some startling new theories from science that are going to make us re-evaluate who we are and our place in the universe. There are those who may have to crowbar their minds open first though. See some of what these scientists have discovered below.

New Truths from The Field - What Biology Tells Us

The human being is a survival machine largely powered by chemicals and genetic coding.

The brain is a discreet organ and the home of consciousness, which is also largely driven by chemistry – the communication of cells and the coding of DNA.

Man is essentially isolated from his world, and his mind is isolated from his body.

Time and space are finite, universal orders.

Nothing travels faster than the speed of light.

What The Field Has Discovered

The communication of the world does not occur in the visible realm of Newton, but in the subatomic world of Werner Heisenberg.

Cells and DNA communicate through frequencies.The brain perceives and makes its own record of the world in pulsating waves.

A substructure underpins the universe that is essentially a recording medium of everything, providing a means for everything to communicate with everything else.

People are indivisible from their environment.

Living consciousness is not an isolated entity. It increases order in the rest of the world.

The consciousness of human beings has incredible powers, to heal ourselves, to heal the world – in a sense, to make it as we wish it to be.

Well it appears my search for religion has come to an end!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    You might want to check out a movie called 'What the Bleep do we Know?' It's rather like an atom -- a little chunk of relevance surrounded by lots and lots of empty space and little bits of things zipping around.


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