Friday, January 06, 2006

Religious Conservatives don't want me to watch this show. Oh all right I'll watch it!

A conservative watchdog group has mounted an attack against an NBC midseason replacement show before it even hits the air.

The American Family Association is urging people to send complaints to NBC Universal Chairman Bob Wright about the series "The Book of Daniel," The Hollywood Reporter said Wednesday.

The Rev. Donald Wildmon -- the head of the AFA -- said on his group's Web site he objects to the lead character, a "drug-addicted Episcopal priest whose wife depends heavily on her midday martinis."

Wildmon also objected to homosexual characters on the series and its "very unconventional" inclusion of Jesus, who is depicted in imaginary conversations with the priest.

These guys are the slowest learners on the planet! I had heard nothing about this show until they started protesting it! And now it is on every news program I watched today!


To tell the truth it does not sound like something I would be interested in, but of course I am now a little curious!

Damn you Reverend Wildmon! Damn you to hell!

Update: Actually I did not watch this. I rented "Wedding Crashers" instead. I am pretty sure I made the smart choice. Did any of you watch it? Did you like it?

1 comment:

  1. It sounded really interesting...the Jesus in it is very good...but the writing is not so bad...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.