Friday, January 06, 2006

Time Magazine asks "Did Bush go too far"? I ask "Are you kidding"?

The NSA intercepts are just one instance of the Bush Administration's effort to pursue the war on terrorism unhindered by some long-established legal norms. Most Americans agree that the government has to go after terrorists aggressively and with all appropriate means. Where they part company is on the question of what means are appropriate, at least if the goal is not only to deter another attack but also to protect both the freedom of Americans and the reputation of their country as one that takes ideas like decency and justice seriously. In the White House version of how that struggle must be conducted, it's acceptable to hold captured suspects indefinitely without trial, hand them over for questioning to nations known to torture prisoners, define American citizens as enemy combatants who can be detained without charges, resist efforts by Congress to put limits on the rough interrogation of detainees and allow the CIA to establish secret prisons abroad. Any and all of those things may be necessary, but this is shaping up as the year when we take a long, hard look.

The question here is not "Did Bush go too far?'. The real question is "When has Bush not gone too far?".

Bush steps out of bounds at every opportunity. There is a reason that we refer to him as King George. He does not seem to understand, or care, about the limits of his office. He acts for all the world like the spoiled rich kid that he has been all of his life. He is a petulant "Little Lord Fauntleroy" and an embarrassment to our country!

I have another question. "Where has Time Magazine been all of this time?".

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