Wednesday, March 15, 2006

According to Pew Report Bush's poll numbers are only 6% higher then Richard Nixon's!

Richard Nixon's poll numbers during Watergate were 27%.

To have this presidents poll numbers be so low demonstrates, in my mind, that the American people are really starting to listen to those of us who have been banging the drum and trying to point out all of the lies and criminal behavior of this president.

I, for one, am pretty damn satisfied with myself.

And to all of my fellow progressive bloggers who I know visit here, I hope that you feel a sense of accomplishment as well. We did not help to railroad an innocent man. We helped the truth to get out to the people who needed to hear it the most.

From the "Downing Street memo's" to the Katrina disaster we did not let them bury the truth no matter how hard they tried. And for that we should feel a sense of pride. We did good.

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