Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Since we don't have enough oil spilling out all over the damn place, the Republicans try to sneak that ANWR drilling thing into the budget bill.

Democratic lawmakers on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee said on Monday they opposed putting in the 2007 budget bill language assuming the government will raise billions of dollars in oil drilling leasing fees from Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

In its budget proposal to Congress, the Bush administration said it expected $7 billion would be raised by allowing oil drilling in the Alaskan refuge, and the Congressional Budget Office puts the figure at $6 billion.

No matter what the number, most Senate and House Democrats are against opening the refuge to oil companies.

"It is irresponsible to base the country's budget on highly speculative and dubious projections of lease revenues for the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge," all nine Democrats on the budget panel said in a letter to the committee's Republican chairman, Judd Gregg.

6 or 7 billion? Where in the hell do they get that figure from? Did they just pull it out of their ass? And is it the same ass that predicted our troops would be welcomed with flowers in Iraq? Because that ass is broken!

You know it is way past time for us to stop poking holes in the ground and to start looking for renewable alternative fuel sources.

Let's grow corn! We have a place up here called the Matanuska Valley where vegetables grow to like twenty times their usual size! Now I don't think that we have grown any corn up here yet but I have every confidence that if our farmers put their minds to it they could grow corn the size of surfboards.

Now if you could get cars to run on zucchinis we could power everybodies cars for the next ten years right now! Here read this and see what I mean:

In 1998, Mr. Evans grew a 59 pound zucchini, an Alaska state record at the time.
Alaska is a rich breeding ground for growing giant zucchini due to its rich soil that has been virtually untouched by modern chemicals used in farming in the lower 48 states. And 24 hours of summer sun for two months certainly speeds up the growing cycle.

See? There is more to my state then huge reservoirs of oil, dog team races, and blistering cold. We have huge fucking vegetables too! So I would appreciate it if you guys could go poke holes in somebody elses state. Thank you.

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