Friday, March 17, 2006

Anti-Lieberman forces seek to oust "Democratic" Senator.

In August the anti-Lieberman forces may get their chance for vengeance, as Ned Lamont, a Greenwich, Conn. cable television entrepreneur, tries to knock Lieberman off in the Democratic Senate primary.

Lieberman “sincerely supports the president’s war in Iraq and I sincerely think he’s wrong,” said Lamont in an interview in his Greenwich office Wednesday.

He added, “There was a rush to war. They didn’t ask the tough questions going in. Sen. Lieberman cheered on the president every step of the way. I think people should be held accountable for getting us into this mess.”

First Lieberman and then we need to challenge all other Democrats who still support this war and refuse to challenge the president on his decisions in the lead up to this conflict.

You hear that Hillary?

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