Saturday, March 18, 2006

Bush team claims that screwing up all of the time is exhausting!

"By the time you get to year six, there's never a break . . . and you get tired," said Ed Rollins, who served five years in President Ronald Reagan's White House. "There's always a crisis. It wears you down. This has been a White House that hasn't really had much change at all. There is a fatigue factor that builds up. You sometimes don't see the crisis approaching. You're not as on guard as you once were."

I just could not let this go without comment.

So the reason that this White House had been messing up lately is becauae they are just not getting enough of the all important REM sleep? So I have to ask what was wrong for the prior five years? Have they always had insomnia issues?

The only part of these guys bodies that should be tired is their mouths, because all they have done is talk. They write speeches for Bush about security, terrorism, the economy, and several other hot button issues.

They talk about these things but they don't really do anything about them.
  • They talk about fighting terrorism and use that excuse to invade the privacy of Amercians who do not agree with this president's policies.
  • They talk about bringing the fight to the terrorists and then invade the wrong country which creates many thousands of additional terrorists.
  • They talk about Homeland Security and then broker a deal with UAE which almost every American finds to be a frightening flaw in our security measures.
  • They talk about keeping our Airlines safe and then allow bomb making materials to be smuggled past airline screeners in 21 airports.
  • They talk about reducing the debt and then raise the debt ceiling to 9 trillion dollars.
  • They talk, and they talk, and they talk, but they don't really accomplish a thing.

So then tell me. Have all of these mistakes been made because of fatigue? Or have they been made because of incompetence? Do you want to know what I think?

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