Sunday, March 19, 2006

Bush's base is turning on him at an amazing rate.

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The third anniversary of the Iraq invasion unleashed a surge of pessimism at a local farmers' market here, where stalwart Republicans, standing amid aisles of produce and miracle cures, said President Bush has messed up a war that looks more like Vietnam every day.

''It's chaos," said Roger Madaras, who voted twice for Bush. ''How many more people are going to be killed? We were going in to free the people of Iraq, but as far as I'm concerned, a lot of them are worse off today than they were under the dictatorship."

I am torn between wanting to feel sorry for these people and being pissed off at them for allowing themselves to be manipulated. On the one hand I can imagine how ashamed they are of their vote and how conflicted they are by the constant bad news that is coming out of Iraq. But how could they allow themselves to buy this load of crap in the first place?

Was it because Bush claimed to be a Christian and so his morals were beyond reproach? Was it because he gave one great speech after 9-11? Was it because he was a Republican and these people always vote Republican?

The only good thing that I think could possibly emerge from this insanity is that people are far more circumspect when they are called upon to cast their vote the next time. I hope that people ignore party affiliations and vote for the best candidate based on his integrity and his dedication to doing what is in the best interests of the country.

I can tell you this, and you can take it to the bank. If we do get a Democrat in 2008 and he screws up, you will be able to visit here and see me telling you how disappointed I am and what we should do about it. I am not one to give a break to somebody just because we happen to belong to the same club. You fuck up, you are getting called on it.

And if someday the Republicans find a man of integrity to run for president, it is not completely out of the question that I might vote for them. He or she would have to be pretty damn impressive however!

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