Sunday, March 19, 2006

Though majority of Americans are against the war few speak out.

Even though polls say a majority of Americans think President Bush has bungled the war in Iraq and now oppose it, anti-war organizers are struggling to get new converts to tell someone besides pollsters that the country needs to change course.

Activists say the fear of being labeled unpatriotic or unsupportive of the nation's troops will keep many anti-war newcomers away from today's 11 a.m. demonstration in San Francisco and the hundreds of others around the country marking the third anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

This is an issue that I think about quite often. One of the reasons that I started this blog was because I was so frustrated with the fact that there was nobody to talk to about my anger, and my fears of what this administration was capable of doing.

I cannot tell you how many times I have been in a room full of people and just wanted to blurt out an anti-war statement to see how many like minded people were in the room. I haven't done that of course, but I have engaged a few people in one on one converstions and so far have found everyone of them in agreement with my views. But I have also noticed their reticence to speak openly of their anti-war viewpoints.

You see we have been bullied into being fearful to insult somebodies feelings of patriotism which might invite them to believe that we lack that same patriotism. We have been made to feel that we cannot express our doubts without having a negative impact on our troops or our country. We have been made to feel ashamed of our doubts while those who blindly follow this president were rewarded. They got to wave their flags and put bumper stickers on their trucks and feel good about geting rid of a dictator. I had to post my feelings anonymously on this website and worry that somebody might discover my secret and treat me like a pariah.

All of this is absolute bullshit! Those of us who knew this war was wrong are owed an apology. We were right! We were right and we were not allowed to feel good about being right. Everybody who failed to listen to us and made us feel that we were not as American as they were should come to us and apologize. It was not easy to go against the tide and say what was not popular to say at the time. But I said it. I said it on this site and I said it to my family. They got tired of it but I said it anyhow! I wish I would have said it to my friends. I am pretty sure that some of them would not have agreed with me but I should have said it anyway! I had the right!

Well from now on I am going to say it to whoever the fuck I want to. I might just mention it to the checkout girl. I might just complain about the war to the people at my work. Maybe I should place a banner across the front of my house.


And you know what? I don't think that after I say any of this I will meet with people who think I am a traitor. I think I will find people who agree with me. I believe that there are far more of us who want to say how angry we are but just don't know who to talk to. Well they can talk to me! I will listen and I will validate their feelings.

By the way my name is Jesse and I am proud of this site. I am also proud that so many of you have come to visit me and express your independence from the people who want to make you feel bad about wanting to know what the real truth is and what is just propaganda. You are the ones who helped to get the word out to the masses that they were being lied to. You are the real patriots.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Yes, absolutely, keep saying it & saying it. Bush is a criminal. He & his gang of thugs pulled a power coup in 2000. We the people now have to wrestle these beasts out of our lives. We all should be as angry as you; it's a sane response to this insanity. Fortunately most of my family agrees with me (we have bush-bashing fetes), but I've lost some friends in the last 5-yrs, believe me. It is NOT traitorous to stand up & defend your country's laws & traditions. It is NOT unpatriotic to question our involvement in an oil-grabbing empire scheme that oh-by-the-way is killing many innocent souls & destabilizing a whole region making us more vulnerable in so many ways. Does anyone think China hasn't noticed how stretched our military is right now? Keep spreading the word, young man. People need to hear it from everywhere. D.K.


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