Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Christians rally the faithful by claiming to be under attack again. Excuse me I have to go reload.

The "War on Christmas" has morphed into a "War on Christians."

Last December, some evangelical Christian groups declared that the religious celebration of Christmas -- and even the phrase "Merry Christmas" -- was under attack by the forces of secularism.

This week, radio commentator Rick Scarborough convened a two-day conference in Washington on the "War on Christians and the Values Voters in 2006." The opening session was devoted to "reports from the frontlines" on "persecution" of Christians in the United States and Canada, including an artist whose paintings were barred from a municipal art show in Deltona, Fla., because they contained religious themes.

"It doesn't rise to the level of persecution that we would see in China or North Korea," said Tristan Emmanuel, a Canadian activist. "But let's not pretend that it's okay."

It sure must suck to be a member of the largest religious group on the planet. To have a controlling influence on the leader of the most powerful country in the world. To have churches that bring in more money annually then every third world country in existence combined. All of this and the promise of eternal glory? My heart is gushing blood for you.

Now I was only joking that I am somebody who attacks Christianity. Unless your definition of attacks mean expressing an alternate point of view, or supporting scientific research, or thinking for myself. If that is the criteria which you use to characterize your attackers then I guess I do qualify.

I don't really see it as an attack however. I see it more as a challenge, a dialogue, a debate. You see to my mind any idea which cannot stand up to the scrutiny of the doubters is not an idea worth having. Debate should strengthen your resolve not diminish it.

I guess that is what makes me the bad guy. I just enjoy thinking far too much for my own good.

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