Wednesday, March 29, 2006

US admits it lied about attacking the Shia mosque!

Gen Pace said that the operation had been led by Iraqi special forces, although it included American special forces seeking to track down a Shia terrorist base where kidnap victims were held.

As they approached a large rectangular building they came under heavy fire. "The Iraqi forces themselves went into the main target areas. This is the building inside of which, once they got in there, they found a small minaret and a prayer room … [which] some people are calling a mosque," Gen Pace said.

Holy shit! "Some are calling a mosque"? You mean the people who are muslim and would know what a mosque looks like are calling it a mosque? Why would we trust their judgement?

This marks the second time that General Pace has directly contradicted Rumsfeld. Somebody needs to make him start drinking the kool-aid, he is ruining everything with his damn truth telling.

Well this is truly BUBAR'd now! (Bushed Up Beyond All Repair)

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