Sunday, March 26, 2006

Clinton opponent now saying she isn't crazy she just has a stupid sense of humor.

McFarland in a statement issued Saturday by her campaign said she was only joking.

"This is a perfect example of what is happening in American politics. One misinterpreted joke and your opponents are smearing you in the press," her statement said. "I continue to believe that we can be better than that. But, I've got to tell you, it's not easy."

Uh huh.

Here is what the Republican opponent for her parties nomination had to say about her explanation.

McFarland's chief rival for the GOP nomination to take on Clinton in this year's Senate race, former Yonkers Mayor John Spencer, said he was also at the event and heard the former Reagan-era Pentagon official make the remarks. "She wasn't trying to be funny," Spencer told The Associated Press on Saturday. "And, no one laughed."

Ooops! Hard to defend aganst when your own party calls you cuckoo. Hmm I am in the mood for some Coa Coa Puffs.

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