Sunday, March 26, 2006

Condoleeza Rice and the pre-war lies.

I have watched Condi-sleeza Rice on two news programs today.

First she lied to Tim Russert on "Meet the Press".

And then later I watched her lie to Wolf-man Blitzer on "Late Edition".

I looked away from the screen during the "Late Edition" to eat my egg whites and had to look back because I was almost convinced I was watching the same interview from "Meet the Press". She repeated her talking points verbatim. Here they are, cause I know you want to know.
  • No Saddam did not have anything directly to do with 9-11.
  • If you believe the planes striking the twin towers was the only important thing we learned on that day then you are naive.
  • Sure, all of the past information that the White House provided turned out to be false (Wmd's in Iraq, Al Quaeda's connection to Saddam, the small cost of the war, the minimal loss of American life) but the information we are providing now is absolutely correct. Trust us.
  • The Iraqi's are much better off today then they were under Saddam because they have hope. (I assume hope that they make it through the day)
  • No she is not running for President.
  • No she is not taking the Football Commissioners job.
  • No her hair is not composed of a top secret polymer that protects her head against negative information from news outlets not under administration control (like FOX news).

Okay I made that last one up, so it still might be true.


  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    And don't forget the -- most Iraqis want the coalition forces to stay.


  2. You are right I forgot one.



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