Tuesday, March 14, 2006

First it was George Clooney and now Molly Ivins bitchslaps the Democrats! Man I would hate to be a Democrat...oh...wait!

Mah fellow progressives, now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of the party. I don’t know about you, but I have had it with the D.C. Democrats, had it with the DLC Democrats, had it with every calculating, equivocating, triangulating, straddling, hair-splitting son of a bitch up there, and that includes Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Holy crap! Molly is taking no prisoners here!

I can’t see a damn soul in D.C. except Russ Feingold who is even worth considering for President. The rest of them seem to me so poisonously in hock to this system of legalized bribery they can’t even see straight.

She makes a good point here. However I as I stated before the dream Democratic ticket for 2008 is the Edwards-Clark ticket. I tell you it can't miss!


  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    DC dems haven't changed since Daschle modeled spinelessness.

    feingold introduces a censure resolution
    and how does God's Own Party react?
    frist thinks we need to supress our own democracy and ignore the rule of law. i guess thats how we model democracy for the iraqis.

    and how do the dems react? they line up behind the president, Hillllllllary along with everyone else.

    anybody seen an opposition party?

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM


    altho your pref is not a bad one at all

  3. I've noticed dear Molly has been laboring under a noted lack of humor since about 2000 or so; I keep hoping she will get her smile back; I miss howling in laughter at her columns, instead of recognizing a fellow Progressive looking for hope~~~

    I really hope us bloggers can get a thought started; it does no good to shoot our Dems in the foot-- we need to focus on guiding the ones in office to Do the Right Thing, and rewarding those that do, while letting the petty differences go on hold until...

    (pardon my francois)


    (she adjusts her skirts, smoothes her hair, and reties a combat bootlace)

    You let 'em rightwingers call you a frozen liberal. I'd much rather be a Popsicle for Progress than pretending the Prez has a brain cell, frozen or otherwise.

    I'm just a ol' southern gal moved up to Seattle (which, I know, to you is the Deep South these days!); sending my warmest wishes as the days get longer...

    peace, brother.
    The Belle in Belltown

  4. Mel came to see you...how nice...Well, I came to see you...I rearranged my blogrol again- put some nice gals next to you- enjoy....

    Hows it going up there?

  5. "Popsicle for Progress"? Damn that is my new favorite nickname. Thanks Meldonna!

    Hey Enigma, I appreciate you putting me next to the lovely lady bloggers it can be awfully lonely up here while I sit around waiting for spring.

    I am housebound right now with a sick child. I have spent even more then my usual "too much time" on the ole internets.

    But with such great friends visiting from the Blogosphere how could I be lonely?

  6. Well, you obviously read Ivins; you get a chance, when you are REALLY bored...go check out some of my older posts over at Baja Canada. I grew up in Arkansas, and lived another 15 some odd years in Texas. Read what you find with a rusty southern accent...I try to use comedy when and where I can, and my brain elsewhere. Hope you can find some laughs...

    No one is so rich they can't use an extra friend or two, mi amigo. Anybody who wants to hang out on the porch is welcome.

    So, in the same spirit as e4e's Cafe, I think offering a glass of ice tea to someone in Anchorage might be counter-productive. But you're still welcome to a beer at my hacienda out on the 'Front Porch'.

    Just trying to stay sane in a crazy world!

    My best to you and your little one...

    and don't let the bastids get ya down.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.