Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Last nights Daily Show and finally some love for Steve Colbert.

Last nights Daily show was one of the best! Jon was sharp and finally seemed to be comfortable back in his studio after the Academy awards.

The highlight of the show for me was the Paul Hackett segment. This one time senate hopeful had no problem poking fun at his campaign and the behind the scenes workings of a political commercial. Mr. Hackett might have a future in acting if the whole political thing runs dry for him. He was great saying his lines and unlike many of the recent victims of the "Daily Show", Paul seemed to be in on the joke all the way through. Altogether it was a very funny segment.

Update: "Onegoodmove" has the video.

Jon also promoted the book "Misquoting Jesus" by Bart Ehrlman. I have already covered this book earlier this month. The book is about one Christians discovery that the book which supposedly contains the "infallible word of God" is rife with inaccuracies and multiple additions which have shown up through the ages.

All in all the show was tight and consistently funny.

Now I have been somewhat lukewarm about the "Colbert Report". For one thing it comes on right after the "Daily Show", which I watch in bed, and by then I am starting to fade a little. It is not unusual for me to fall asleep before the show is even halfway through.

But last night Steven had Keith Olbermann on as his guest. I adore Keith so I made myself stay awake until I could watch Steven bombard poor Keith with a never ending barrage of questions about Bill O'Reilly, Barry Bonds, why sports are more entertaining then the news, and a number of other topics that came at poor Keith at an unbelievable pace. Keith did get his balance part way through and got off a couple of zingers which were very funny. This was my favorite exchange so far on the "Colbert Report".

I just love to go to sleep with a smile on my face.

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