Thursday, March 16, 2006

George, shut up!

George Clooney is spitting mad at Arianna Huffington - and the blogosphere is wobbling on its axis.

"She said some things that I won't share, but she did tell me that this could be bad for me - bad for my career. Well, screw you!" the movie star told me yesterday about a conversation he had with the doyenne of "I'm not going to be threatened by Arianna Huffington!"

I have a message for George Clooney that I doubt he will ever receive.

Knock it the fuck off!

If Arianna took your words out of context and presented your views in a way that you feel misrepresented them or if you are just pissed because she made it appear that you were a contributor to her site and you do not want to give her free publicity, I don't care! What I care about is the appearance, again, that we Democrats are so busy arguing with each other that we cannot present a coherent solution to the ills that face our counrtry today.

The Republicans are idiots! But they manage to keep most of their disagreements behind closed doors and so present a unified front to the public. Maybe we are just more passionate or more honest, I don't know for sure, but we hang our dirty laundry out for all to see. The Republicans love that!

Now Mr. Clooney I have grown to respect your integrity and your fearless desire to embrace the Liberal values in public. For me that is huge. But you are one of our most public figures and, even though you are not a politician, you have a responsibility to role-model for the rest of us.

So call Arianna on the phone. Tell her to never use your name on her blog again. She needs to save some face here as well, she won't dare argue with your request. And then let's move on. We have a lot to accomplish and we could really use your help. We could use Arrianna Huffington's help as well.

My children are not safe Mr. Clooney. I need your help to make them safe.

Thank you.

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