Friday, March 10, 2006

I have a huge crush on Zain Verjee.

Isn't she pretty? I love the way she pronounces some of our boring english words. She makes everything sound so exotic!

According toWikipedia Zain was born in India and is currently a citizen of Canada. I live right next to Canada, maybe she could commute. We could have one of those doomed long distance love affairs.

I am not the only one by the way. I am pretty sure that Jack Cafferty has a thing for our Indian princess as well.

"Just keep your wrinkled old hands off my angel Jack! She is mine! Mine I say!"

It might be time to get my medications checked.


  1. Letterman has a thing for her too....
    ( my son does too...he thinks she is beautiful)

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Zain was born in Kenya! She is Kenyan. I feel bad when it is reported that she is a Canadian. She worked for a leading local televesion station called Kenya Televison Network, KTN before leaving and joing CNN an the begiining og the new millenium, year 2000. Her family is still based here in Nairobi!

    I love her and always have had a crush on her....

    She's beautiful, she's sexy! I miss you Zain!

    Ben, Nairobi

  3. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I don't think that any of you could have as big a ceush on Zain as I do!

    She is so very HOT!

    I used to tune in to CNN everyday to watch her on World Report but she doesn't do it anymore!

    Where have you hidden her CNN?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.