Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I just got back from the doctor.

This is personal information but I know that by posting it here my daughter will read it and I want her to know that her Dad is alright. For those of you who come here on a daily basis I guess you have a right to know how I am doing as well.

Apparently I have a small Umbilical hernia. I have probably had it for fifteen years or more. It got worse after I had a terrible cough back in September. I will have to have a small surgical procedure sometime soon but other then that it is not a big deal. I was even told that I do not have to change any of my workout habits, which is very good news for an old gym rat like me.

While I was there I got a battery of tests that I have put off and I am happy to say that I am as healthy as a horse.

So I am going to be around for many, many years just sticking it to the bad guys every chance I get. Good news for me, bad news for them.


  1. Well good for you...I am glad that you are okay....
    ( and if you lived near by I would gladly come by and bring you nursey care...that means soup...and TLC...)

  2. Hey thanks Enigma, I appreciate the thought!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.