Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Senator Tom Harkin finally joins John Murtha is stating the obvious.

Sen. Tom Harkin said in Iowa Friday that Iraq has deteriorated into "civil war," declaring it no longer manageable by U.S. forces.

Harkin's comments make the Iowa Democrat among the first members of Congress to declare publicly that Iraq had slipped into war between Muslim factions.

They come as polls show President Bush's approval at managing the situation at an all-time low.

"I'm firmly convinced now, after all this time, that it really is a civil war," Harkin said.The senator, an opponent of the war, said the only solution to the surge of sectarian violence is to begin withdrawing U.S. forces.

And while we have this obvious reality slowly dawning on the Democrats we can still count on the adminstration to act is if there is no elephant in the room.

Here is what Donald Rumsfeld has to say about the issue.

"I do not believe they're in a civil war today," Rumsfeld said of Iraq, but added "terrorists" want to foment one.

So who do you believe?

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