Saturday, March 11, 2006

Muslims invented coffee. How can you hate them now?

This article chronicles twenty inventions by Muslims. I had no idea how much they had added to our culture. But this is the really important one:

The story goes that an Arab named Khalid was tending his goats in the Kaffa region of southern Ethiopia, when he noticed his animals became livelier after eating a certain berry. He boiled the berries to make the first coffee. Certainly the first record of the drink is of beans exported from Ethiopia to Yemen where Sufis drank it to stay awake all night to pray on special occasions. By the late 15th century it had arrived in Mecca and Turkey from where it made its way to Venice in 1645. It was brought to England in 1650 by a Turk named Pasqua Rosee who opened the first coffee house in Lombard Street in the City of London. The Arabic qahwa became the Turkish kahve then the Italian caffé and then English coffee.

Without coffee this site would consist of just so much random typing.

Example: jlskieusm ddofufufoso (coffee kicks in) thjen the Bush administration did another stupid thing!

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