Saturday, March 11, 2006

Catholic church says it is better to grow up without a father then to have a father who likes other fathers.

The Boston Archdiocese's Catholic Charities said Friday it would stop providing adoption services because state law allows gays and lesbians to adopt children.

The social services arm of the Roman Catholic archdiocese has provided adoption services for the state for about two decades, but said it would discontinue once it completes its current state contract. It said that the state law allowing gays to adopt runs counter to church teachings on homosexuality.

You can always count on the Catholic church to have to be pulled kicking and screaming into the age of enlightenment. How can an organization with so many pedophiles possibly pass judgement on people of an alternative sexuality? I mean having sex with kids is a criminal offense and yet they have covered for these guys for decades. But if Karl and Steve want to raise a child in a loving home they are sinful?

As Steve Colbert might say. "The word for today is Hypocrisy!"

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