Wow! Apparently the Republicans have lost their damn minds now that Bush's poll numbers have hit the low thirties and is pulling them down with him. Take a look at this:
Chaos At The Southern Republican Leadership Conference
First, John McCain, one of the clear front-runners for the 2008 nomination, decided to throw a monkey wrench into the whole process by telling conference-goers not to vote for him, but rather to write-in President Bush's name instead. "For the next three years," McCain said, "with the country at war, he's our President, and the only one who must have our support today.
And if that wasn't weird enough we have this little meodrama:
The real chaos kicked in when Trent Lott, himself a McCain ally, attacked the credibility of the straw poll's results, saying that it was being fixed in favor of Bill Frist. Here's what he told CNN.
"Frist is bussing people in," Lott said, referring to Senate Majority Bill Frist (R-Tennessee), whose political organization is working to ensure he wins this unscientific early test of election viability. "These are not real delegates. These are people being bussed in to produce the results. It is a rigged deal. It doesn't matter."
Clearly the inmates have taken over the asylum. And one of these yahoos wants to be the President? Just how low do they think that Bush has set the bar?
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