Saturday, March 11, 2006

Kurt Vonnegut: “The only difference between Bush and Hitler, is that Hitler was elected.”

Vonnegut takes an easy chair across from Prof. Manuel Luis Martinez, a poet and teacher of writing.

He grabs Martinez and semi-whispers into his ear (and the mike) “What can I say here?”

Martinez urges candor.

Well,” says Vonnegut, “I just want to say that George W. Bush is the syphilis president.”

The students seem to agree.

“The only difference between Bush and Hitler,” Vonnegut adds, “is that Hitler was elected.”

“You all know, of course, that the election was stolen. Right here.”

You know I wish I could turn a phrase as effectively as Mr. Vonnegut.

He better be careful. He might get added to a list!

The "syphilis president". That is just golden, isn't it?


  1. Vonnegut just rocks doesn't he??? Still....

    ( you saw him on Jon Stewart right?)

    Good on you for quoting him here....keep blogging it Alaska man...

    ( over at Watergate Summer, I rearranged my Blogroll- I put you at the Enigma Cafe Coffee Counter with some other wonderful souls, and some pretty ladies, I hope you don't mind- I never use alphabetical order ;-)

  2. Hey- saw you changed your don't dance anymore ? Did Ted Stevens ban it ?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.