The fired official, Mary O. McCarthy, “categorically denies being the source of the leak,” one of McCarthy’s friends and former colleagues, Rand Beers, said Monday after speaking to McCarthy.
Well if she is the leaker she is a hero. If she is not the leaker then she is a victim.
Whoever leaked the story that we have been using foreign prisons for rendition purposes should be given a medal for letting the American people know the truth. If this is being done in my name then goddamnit I have the right to know what the hell is going on. When the next terrorist attack comes and takes the life of my fellow Americans you can bet that it will be this type of activity that makes them feel justified in taking those lives. These attacks are not happening in a vacuum. Our actions over the years have turned these people into America hating ideologues. And this is just the type of activity guaranteed to make hundreds and thousands more of them.
I want somebody to let the media know when my government is breaking the law or infringing on my rights or the rights of people in other countries. If my government is not doing anything wrong then they have nothing to fear from these stories. But they do fear these stories don't they?
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