Ava Lowery is a fifteen-year-old who lives in Alabama. She calls herself a peace activist, and for the past year, she’s been producing her own short animations on her website, peacetakescourage.com. All in all, she’s made about seventy of them, she says, and most of them oppose Bush and his Iraq War.
She says she’s received a lot of positive feedback in short messages back to her site. And she understands that the fact that “people are on the web, and they just let loose.” But she was unprepared for the viciousness of the negative feedback—especially the ugly sexual slurs similar to those that Cindy Sheehan has faced. (If you can’t stand foul language, stop reading now.)
“It’s people like you who need to fucking die and get raped while your corpse rots in the sun,” said one e-mail Lowery shared with me. “Fuck you, I would jack off on your parents if I could. If you don’t like the team, get out of the park. That means take ur small dick and get the fuck off of my homeland you faggot chocolate gulper.”
“You are a TRAITOR to your country and should be executed for treason,” another one said.
“All you do is bitch about the US. If you hate it so much, why don’t you GET THE FUCK OUT.”
“Why don’t you go masterbate [sic] to a pic of Sheehan and fuck off,” said a third.
“Are you a muslem [sic] terrorist?” asked another.
This is a fifteen year old child! How can these morons justify this kind of hate directed at a child? Or for that matter anybody?
Many of us have a difference of opinion. But that is no excuse to attack somebody that you do not agree with in such a vicious and pornographic manner.
I have visited a number of conservative sites and have never seen any of my fellow liberals saying anything with one tenth of this kind of vulgarity. If there are any liberals who have used these type of hate filled diatribes to express themselves then I would condemn them with same amount of disgust that I use to condemn the individuals who sent this garbage to this little girl.
In the end all it does is demonstrate your lack of intelligence and humanity.
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