In the past month, seven retired generals have called for Mr Rumsfeld to quit over the Iraq war, but the White House said it was happy with his work.
Mr Rumsfeld has also dismissed suggestions that he should resign.
Asked about Mr Rumsfeld at a news conference, Mr Bush said he had "strong confidence" in his defence secretary.
"I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation," he said.
"But I'm the decider and I decide what's best."
Such eloquence in our leader is a comforting thing.
But did you notice this part;
"I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation," he said.
I do believe that this is the first time that Bush has publicly acknowledged that he is indeed hearing "voices". Now if only he will seek psychiatric help we might be able to get our country back under control.
Hey Tony Soprano has a therapist! What is good enough for one sociopathic thug should be good enough for another!
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