President Bush is not on the ballot in November, but he might as well be. Republican losses could make an already difficult situation in Congress almost untenable for him.
If his party loses control of one, or both chambers of Congress, the next two years could be a political nightmare for Bush and his GOP allies on Capitol Hill.
With poll numbers at the lowest of his presidency, Bush has had trouble enough winning support for his priorities in his second term even with a Republican-led Congress. That helped lead to a recent reshuffling of the White House staff.
A Democratic House or Senate and presidential stubbornness could spell legislative gridlock.
Democratic control of either chamber could rearrange priorities. Bush's programs and spending requests would come under increased scrutiny. Congress could even take tentative steps toward bringing troops home from Iraq or reducing funds.
Democratic control of committees in either chamber could lead to investigative hearings on Iraq, awarding of government contracts, the role of lobbyists, fraud and abuse, Pentagon divisions, any number of activities.
We can do this, we just have to get the word out to as many of our co-workers and friends as possible. If Bush is not stopped soon I am truly terrified of what he might do next!
From your moth to God's ear Larohio.