Saturday, May 06, 2006

China now controls the weather! Everybody bow down to our new Asian overlords.

Chinese weather specialists used chemicals to engineer Beijing's heaviest rainfall of the year, helping to relieve drought and rinse dust from China's capital, the official Xinhua News Agency reported Friday.

Technicians with the Beijing Weather Modification Office fired seven rocket shells containing 163 cigarette-size sticks of silver iodide over the city's skies on Thursday, Xinhua said.

The reaction that occurred brought as much as four-tenths of an inch of rain, the heaviest rainfall this year, helping to "alleviate drought, add soil moisture and remove dust from the air for better air quality," Xinhua said.

And while the Chinese scientists have been teaching mother nature who her daddy is, what have American scientists been doing? Oh yeah trying to find evidence to derail the global warming debate. I am so proud.

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