Saturday, May 06, 2006

Mothers afraid of giving birth to the Anti-Christ. Look bitch they all go through this stage.

FOR one group of expectant mothers, their due date holds an extra dimension of dread. The prospect of giving birth on June 6, 6/6/06, has prompted talk of spawning devil children on Armageddon day.

Okay now listen carefully. As soon as you give birth to your little bundle of joy you need to surrender them to an adoption agency immediately! You are too stupid to be raising children!

It is the 21st fucking century! Quit being superstitious idiots and read a fucking book! No, not that book!

Besides the sign of the devil is not 666, it is 616. Look it up.

1 comment:

  1. such a little angel...
    Wouldn't it be great to dress 100's of kids like this and let them lose on some born again playground...oh the horror...



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.