Thursday, May 11, 2006

The civil war in Iraq picks up speed as over 1,000 Iraqis die in April.

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has called on Iraqis to help stop sectarian violence after figures showed it killed 1,091 people in Baghdad last month.

Say what you will about how horrible Saddam Hussein was, and he was terrible, but the number of deaths under his regime were nowhere near what they are today. This question has been asked many times before but let me answer it now.

"Was Iraq better off with Saddam in power?"
It absolutely was, no question about it.

Though Iraqis lived under a dictator they undoubtedly felt more safe and their lives were much more comfortable. I have little doubt that if somebody went out into the streets to do a poll, something that the level of violence makes impossible, they would learn that an overwhelming majority of Iraqis would like the war to never have happened.

The cost of our interference is very evident in this statement.

Behind every unidentified corpse is "an orphan, a starving father or a grieving wife."

How many unidentified corpses were discovered during Saddam's reign?

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