Wednesday, May 10, 2006

CNN is totally bashing my state because we benefit from high oil prices. Sorry?

They are bashing us because we don't pay any state taxes and we got a dividend of $845.76 last year. Wow if they had only done some more research they could have become really indignant.

2005 $845.76
2004 $919.84
2003 $1107.56
2002 $1540.76
2001 $1850.28
2000 $1963.86
1999 $1769.84
1998 $1540.88
1997 $1296.54
1996 $1130.68
1995 $990.30
1994 $983.90
1993 $949.46
1992 $915.84
1991 $931.34
1990 $952.63
1989 $873.16
1988 $826.93
1987 $708.19
1986 $556.26
1985 $404.00
1984 $331.29
1983 $386.15
1982 $1000.00

In 2001 I took my whole family to Hawaii. Thank you big oil!

My state is totally going to kick me out now.

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It just goes directly to their thighs.