Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Former NSA Chief blasts Bush on illegal wiretaps.

Former NSA director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman lashed out at the Bush administration Monday night over its continued use of warrantless domestic wiretaps – and called for the CIA to be broken up in two. It's one of the first times a former high-ranking intelligence official has criticized the program in public, analysts say.

"This activity is not authorized," Inman said, as part of a panel discussion on eavesdropping, sponsored by the New York Public Library. The Bush administration "need[s] to get away from the idea that they can continue doing it."

The line of ex-officials lining up to take a shot at Bush must be around the block by now. Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely loving it!

I just wish these guys could have come forward much earlier when Bush was still getting over a 50% approval rating. It would have hurried his demise and we could have marginalized him even earlier.

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