Wednesday, May 03, 2006

For Iraqi's Saddam never left, he just changed his nationality.

The question puzzles and enrages a city: how is it that the Americans cannot keep the electricity running in Baghdad for more than a couple of hours a day, yet still manage to build themselves the biggest embassy on Earth?

Irritation grows as residents deprived of air-conditioning and running water three years after the US-led invasion watch the massive US Embassy they call “George W’s palace” rising from the banks of the Tigris.

In the pavement cafés, people moan that the structure is bigger than anything Saddam Hussein built. They are not impressed by the architects’ claims that the diplomatic outpost will be visible from space and cover an area that is larger than the Vatican city and big enough to accommodate four Millennium Domes. They are more interested in knowing whether the US State Department paid for the prime real estate or simply took it.

This administraion is not listening to the Iraqi people at all, and really never did. It was our goal all along to occupy this country and those plans are moving forward despite the anger of the Iraqi population.

What choice do we leave these people with other then rising up against our soldiers? We take their land and kill their people and then call them "terrorists" when they fight back.

This whole thing is insane! I cannot fathom how the next President' regardless of which party he represents, will ever be able to untangle this incredible "Gordian Knot" that George Bush has our military tied into.

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