Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The best news of the day!

Tens of millions of students will no longer be able to buy non-diet sodas in the nation's public schools under an agreement announced Wednesday between major beverage distributors and anti-obesity advocates.

The distributors, working with a joint initiative of the William J. Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association, also have agreed to sell only water, juice and low-fat milks to elementary and middle schools, said Jay Carson, a spokesman for former President Clinton.

Cadbury Schweppes PLC, Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo Inc. and the American Beverage Association have all signed onto the deal, Carson said, adding that the companies represent "a very significant market share." The American Beverage Association represents the majority of school vending bottlers.

"It's a bold and sweeping step that industry and childhood obesity advocates have decided to take together," Carson said.

This decision is way past due in my opinion. The damage this "sugar water" does to children's still developing bodies will last their entire lives and make it very hard for them to maintain a reasonable, healthy weight as adults. There is also the growing evidence that these drinks lead to a staggering increase in childhood diabetes.

Kids can be perfectly happy eating healthy foods the majority of the time and getting these sugary treats only occasionally. I would put fast food in this same category. Refined foods are terrible for their health. "If the food is white, it just aint right!"

I am always surprised that parents who seem to love their children so much are slowly poisoning them to death.

Good parenting there Skippy!

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