Thursday, May 11, 2006

I have a question.

If the American government claimed to have stopped an al-Qaida terrorist attack in this country, but within a span of several days Osama Bin Laden or Aymin al-Zawahiri released a video tape saying that they had planned no such thing and that our govenment was lying to us, who would you believe?

How long did it take you to decide who to believe?

Are you certain of your decision?

What does that tell you about our current administration?

If you could take a moment to respond in the comments section I would really appreciate it. I am very curious to see what the feeling is out in the world.


  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I agree. This administration's credibility is in the toilet.

    You know, when Americans voted Bush in for his first term, we shook our heads. When he was voted in for his second term, we were astounded.

    It's difficult for us to understand what you went through on 9-11. For the number one country in the world to be attacked on its' own soil, must have cut to your very soul. And it is understandable that there was a lot of fear, but how anyone could have voted for Bush a second time, the world did not understand.

    Canadian Observer

  2. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I would be skeptical of all claims. I doubt that the Bush administration would completely fabricate something like that. But, they'd certainly exaggerate and use it to their advantage.

    For example, I imagine that if a semi-retarded Arab-American kid were caught with Al Qaida literature in his high school locker, they'd make him out to be Osama Junior.

    I'm sure federal prosecutors are just waiting for a case like this. I've seen similar things happen. It is amazing how many Americans are deprived of their civil rights by our courts. Judges often allow third-party records like police logs and interview cards into evidence and do not allow the defense to confront the person who the notations. The same thing applies to phone records and electronic surveillance. They are allowed to be used as evidence without the source being cross examined by the defense.

    As time goes by and Bin Laden remains on the loose, they'll get desperate to put someone -- anyone -- on trial.

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I would trust neither, and dismiss it as information I couldn't verify one way or the other (without further info. from some tolerably reputable third source that confirmed one story or the other).

    It took a few moments to figure out how best to word my instant gut response.

    Yes, I'm certain.

    It tells me I can't trust them, which I've more or less known from the beginning.

    - oddjob

  4. Okay my turn.

    Now when I thought of this question I immediately became obsessed with it and could think of little else for the rest of the afternoon.

    To be completely honest I would most likely trust al-Qaida over my own government in this case. The main reason is that al-Qaida always seems perfectly willing to accept responsibility for its attacks and I have serious doubts about all of the "terror alerts" we kept getting for the last couple of years.

    Now having said that I need to add that the realization that I trust a terrorist organization over my very own government makes me sad in a way I have never felt sad before. And it makes me mad.

    Never before have I been so lacking in trust in my own government. I know that I have been lied to before by other administrations but this time is different. The lies are just so monstrous! I blame Bush for making me afraid to turn my back on my own country.

    I just want to get my trust back. Is that so much to ask?


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