Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Iranian President's letter lays the smackdown on Bush's foreign policies. It really unnerves me when I find myself agreeing with these guys.

Iran's president declared in a letter to President Bush that democracy had failed worldwide and lamented "an ever-increasing global hatred" of the U.S. government.

The letter from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made only an oblique reference to Iran's nuclear intentions, asking why "any technological and scientific achievement reached in the Middle East region is translated into and portrayed as a threat to the Zionist regime."

Otherwise, it lambasted Bush for his handling of the Sept. 11 attacks, accused the media of spreading lies about the Iraq war and railed against the United States for its support of Israel. It questioned whether the world would be a different place if the money spent on Iraq had been spent to fight poverty.

"Would not your administration's political and economic standing have been stronger?" the letter said. "And I am most sorry to say, would there have been an ever- increasing global hatred of the American government?

Okay now this is how you do propaganda! Did you notice how he plays on our growing dissatisfaction with Bush's Iraq policies to make his point? Very well done my crazed Islamic friend.

I doubt very seriously that this letter is intended for the Administrations eyes. Ahmadinejad is clearly going over their heads to address us, the American people, directly. But though he makes several good points I certainly do not think that he is a credible individual. His often stated hate for Israel makes him extremely dangerous and the major threat in the Middle East.

But to stop him will take much more then the threat of attack. This guy needs to be outmaneuvered. Too bad we don't have anybody in office smart enough to do that.

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