Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Troops are afraid all of the cool insurgents will laugh at their goofy new uniforms.

American troops have complained that a new armoured body suit designed to be worn in Iraq makes them look "goofy".

The water-cooled "alien spacesuits" are being handed out to turret gunners in their notoriously vulnerable Humvee vehicles.

The protective suit, based on those worn by bomb disposal officers, was intended to cut spiralling casualties for one of the most dangerous jobs in modern warfare.

But some troops have complained that the armour and headgear is inelegant. Others say the water-cooling system, designed for the soaring temperatures of an Iraqi summer, regularly breaks down.

Damn! That is an ugly outfit. These guys seriously need a visit from the "Queer eye for the straight guy" stylists.

On the other hand I have to say I would prefer the look of these uniforms to say......a gushing head wound. I mean maybe if they bad guys see them in these things they will be laughing too hard to put up much of a fight. I think it is important to look for the silver lining.

What are the knee pads for again?

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