Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Religious zealots win court battle to keep their photos off of drivers licenses. Damn, how ugly are these people?

The Wilson Colony, near Coaldale, 12 kilometres east of Lethbridge, took the province to court after the government introduced a new licence that must have a driver's photo on it.

The colony argued in a Lethbridge court that the government's rule violated its charter right to freedom of religion. Members believe the second commandment in the Bible prohibits them from willingly having their picture taken.

The province argued the photos were necessary to prevent fraud or identity theft. But a judge determined the Crown had failed to prove that this would likely be the case.

Justice Sal LoVecchio of the Alberta Court of Queens Bench ruled in favour of the Hutterites.

I am embarrassed to say I had to look up the second commandment, but here it is:

Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven images.

That is an interesting commandment. I have no idea why God would not want his people to have statues or pictures of themselves. It seems terribly punitive to me. He can be so bossy!

By the way I think that we will soon see a new religion emerge of middle aged women who do not think that their weight should be put on the drivers license. "It is against the religion of my fat ass".

The Holy Church of the Widening Girth.
Service from 9-12
Holy Feast from 12-midnight.
Please donate to our collection for the purchase of larger pews. Much larger pews.

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