Wednesday, May 10, 2006

We may very well have just given the Iraqi insurgents 200,000 AK47s. Just how stupid are we?

SOME 200,000 guns the US sent to Iraqi security forces may have been smuggled to terrorists, it was feared yesterday.

The 99-tonne cache of AK47s was to have been secretly flown out from a US base in Bosnia. But the four planeloads of arms have vanished.

Orders for the deal to go ahead were given by the US Department of Defense. But the work was contracted out via a complex web of private arms traders.

And the Moldovan airline used to transport the shipment was blasted by the UN in 2003 for smuggling arms to Liberia, human rights group Amnesty has discovered.

It follows a separate probe claiming that thousands of guns meant for Iraq's police and army instead went to al-Qaeda.

We truly are the army that could not shoot straight. So how many of our guys will be killed with weapons that we carelessly provided to our enemies?

1 comment:

  1. I saw that, too, and there's been very little press on it. Although I'm not too certain that they went to Iraqi insurgents, they could have been diverted elsewhere to another operation.



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