Thursday, May 04, 2006

Rumsfeld getting bitch slapped by audience member on CNN.

He is giving a speech at the "Southern Center for International Studies".

Some guy who is so far unidentified just asked him why Colin Powell lied to the UN . Rumsfeld defended Powell's presentation saying they believed that Saddam Hussein had WMD's. Then this unnamed hero started presenting the misinformation that the White House put forward and the evidence that was available which did not support their claims.

Rumsfeld tried to out talk the guy but he was hopelessly overmatched.

I will add to this post when I get more info.

Update: Here is more information like I promised. The guy who asked the questions is an ex-CIA analyst named Ray McGovern. Here is an excerpt:

"Why did you lie to get us into a war that caused these kind of casualties and was not necessary?" asked Ray McGovern, the former analyst, during a question-and-answer session.

"I did not lie," shot back Rumsfeld, who waved off security guards ready to remove McGovern from the hall at the Southern Center for International Studies.

When security guards tried removing McGovern, the analyst, during his persistent questions of Rumsfeld, the defense secretary told them to let him stay. The two continued to spar.
"You're getting plenty of play," Rumsfeld told McGovern, who is an outspoken critic of the war in Iraq.

There is much more but I will post that later when I get the vull exchange.

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