Thursday, May 04, 2006

The nicest e-mail I received all week.

Stumbled on your blog...

And laughed my ass off (when I wasn't cringing at some of the conservative stupidity).
Me ... well, fiscally conservative, but socially liberal, and a Buddhist to boot. Yet, somehow I ended up living in the middle of Texas. Talk about being lost in a sea of conservatism.

Anyway, I'm bookmarking your blog for future viewing. I just plain loved it. In fact, I blew off an hour I should have been working.

Oh well.

I really enjoy feedback so if any of you want to leave a comment or an e-mail (even if it is critical) then please do. Sometimes it is hard to know how my psychotic babbling is being received.

By the way, your input probably won't change anything fundamental because I am indeed a lost cause, but it will be read and I might be encouraged to post about a new subject that one of you bring to my attention.

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