Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Bush lands in Iraq. Terrorists begin rubbing their hands together and cackling "Now we have him!' Odds on terrorist's success? Negative 1000%.

I watched the speech on MSNBC. It was a pretty good speech. Bush said many of the right things. He seemed genuinely emotional about his hope for the Iraqi people. He is insane!

He congratulates the Iraqi people for pulling their country together after he had it blown to shit!

He talks about deposing an evil dictator without realizing what he has now become to them.

He tells the military in the room how proud he is of their achievements without addressing the terrible atrocities that have happened on our watch.

He is writing the history that he wants to be remembered in the hopes that he can control the message that trickles down to future generations. Bush is an incredible megalomaniac! He is as dangerous of a leader as this planet has every created. He must be stopped!

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