Tuesday, June 13, 2006

This site claims that Ann Coulter is a drag queen. I have never been so easily convinced of anything in my entire life!

We are a coalition of former friends and co-workers of Ann Coulter who are upset by her vicious anti-gay, anti-muslim, anti-feminist rhetoric and feel the truth should be told. Our organization, Strap-On Veterans For Truth, is dedicated to exposing the true past of America’s number one hatemonger.

Ann Coulter is actually a former drag queen from Key West named Pudenda Shenanigans. Ms. Shenanigans was famous for her renditions of “Dude Looks Like a Lady” “I will Survive” and “You Shook Me All Night Long” as well as an extensive Barbra Streisand repertoire. We who used to work with her are concerned for her as well as upset by the vile hatred she has spewed towards her former friends in the gay community. We feel that by bringing the truth to light perhaps Ann will come to grips with her past and change her wicked ways.

I had decided not to post about Ann "the Crypt Keeper" Coulter anymore, but really how I could I resist this?


  1. It seems that Ann Coulter operates very much like a really good spiritual teacher by being willing to call a spade a spade. She sees that Liberals are hopelessly trapped in fantasy and self-deception and she calls them on it. If they refuse to look at themselves and what they are doing, they will attack her. If her wake-up call is allowed in just a little, they will grow and open spiritually.

  2. WTF?
    How did that guy get in here?

  3. Probably the same way I did... by clicking on a link.

    OTOH - I suspect you've got a troll.

  4. It's true, I saw her in Key West in 87. She rocked the house. Little vixen that one, I'm tellin' ya.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.