Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Iraqi's unimpressed by Bush visit.

Many Sunnis and even some Shiite political parties dismissed President Bush's visit to Baghdad on Tuesday as merely an attempt to associate himself with positive developments in Iraq - formation of the new government and last week's killing of the country's most feared terrorist.

"This visit carries a lot of meanings, but this visit means nothing to the Iraqi street. There will never be any benefits from such a visit and the only one to benefit from this visit is Bush himself and his troops here, not the Iraqi people," said Hassan al-Robaie, a lawmaker loyal to al-Sadr.

Baghdad University political science professor Nabil Mohammed Selim said the president's trip was a bid to show the world that he has achieved something in this country, including the killing last week of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq. Bush's political standing in the United States portends a difficult election for fellow Republicans in November's congressional elections.

"In fact, nothing has been achieved in Iraq, hundreds of innocent Iraqis are being killed daily because of the chaos," Selim said.

Actually this is a little unfair. There was one thing that Bush's visit did for the Iraqi's. It helped them to determine who to kill next based on who was chummy with George while he was visiting them.

'Alright Akmad, you are next buddy!"

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