Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Marine writes song about killing Iraqi families as a "joke". Why do they hate us over there again?

A Marine Corps corporal seen in a video singing about killing members of an Iraqi family says the song was only a joke and not tied in any way to allegations that Marines killed as many as two dozen unarmed civilians in Haditha last year.

"It's a song that I made up and it was nothing more than something supposed to be funny, based off a catchy line of a movie," Cpl Joshua Belile told The Daily News of Jacksonville.

"I apologise for any feelings that may have been hurt in the Muslim community. This song was written in good humour and not aimed at any party, foreign or domestic."

In a four-minute video called Hadji Girl, a singer who appears to be a Marine tells a cheering audience about gunning down members of an Iraqi woman's family after they confront him with automatic weapons.

When you de-humanize the enemy, how do you expect the soldiers to view them?

I think that most of our soldiers over there view all Iraqi's as potential enemies and this type of "gallows humor" is how they deal with their own fear and frustrations. That does not make it okay however.

We are going to continue to see our troops killing innocent Iraqi's and treating them in an inhumane manner. That much is a given. War destroys people's humanity.

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