Thursday, June 15, 2006

Jesus Christ is back and you can find him by looking for the "S" on his chest.

Most fans believe the man from Krypton is a Methodist, an opinion divined from Clark Kent's Midwestern upbringing. But there's another possibility. In the original 1978 movie and the new one, the superhero's father tells him: "They can be a great people ... They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all—their capacity for good—I've sent them you, my only son." Yes, Superman is a Christ figure. "A heavenly father sends his only son to save the Earth; in his mission or ministry, he will fight for truth and justice; he will die and be resurrected; he will ascend into heaven, and now is the time of his second coming," says Stephen Skelton, author of a new book "The Gospel According to the World's Greatest Superhero." "This is the story of Superman."

I have to say that of all of the religions that I have studied a church built around Superman would have some very attractive features.
  • He is good. Superman always does the right thing even when it costs him personally.
  • He is iconic. Everybody recognizes him and his flashy uniform.
  • He is more then just a mere mortal. Superman is what all of us strive to be. A Superman.
  • His works are easily documented. There are hundreds of thousands of Superman stories out there.
  • You won't have to support his church. The guy can turn coal into diamonds with his hands. He does not need your paltry tithing.
  • He is a caring person who protects his subjects. What more could you really ask for?

I think the "Church of Superman" is an idea that is long overdue!

Long live the son of Krypton!

(Okay my geek-gasm is over. You can all uncover your eyes now.)

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