Thursday, June 15, 2006

Catholic priest says the movie "The Omen" is based on fantasy. Biblical fantasy.

The writers would no doubt argue that they are going on the Book of Revelation, but such literal interpretations of the scriptures are where films like this come unstuck. The Book of Revelation was written to bring strength to a beleaguered community 2,000 years ago. It may come as a disappointment to learn that priests do not address it all in a literal fashion - and we do not wave crucifixes around as if they were magic wands.

It's a terribly pessimistic film, with redemption only offered by superstitious practices and not by human acts of goodness. Although it is true that if the incarnation of God is a reality, then, yes, the incarnation of the devil must also be considered.

Well this sounds a little like somebodies faith is a little sketchy doesn't it?

I guess the good Father has not visited this site. Where it clearly shows that we are all doomed.

Plus as we all know our President has constructed all of his foreign policy decisions on the fact that the "End Times" are just around the corner. Is the Father saying that George Bush is an idiot?

Maybe it would not be a bad idea to elect a Catholic as President next time. They seem pretty level headed.

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